Monthly Archives: October 2011

The Engagement Party

We FINALLY had our engagement party (and I FINALLY have a minute to write & tell you about it!)

I knew I wanted to have a party while my dad was in town.  And I knew he was going to be in town a good three months before he was here.  Yet somehow, we were less than two weeks out and I still had an unsent evite sitting open on my computer, missing such crucial details as “location”.

Richie & I knew we wanted to do something nice for our engagement party.  We could agree on three things: we wanted good food, I’m all about atmosphere & an open bar was a requirement.   It doesn’t sound that challenging, but six venues later, we weren’t any closer to finding a spot that wasn’t either lacking one of those components or wanted the equivalent of our future kids college fund for three afternoon hours on a Saturday.  Ok, slight exaggeration, but SERIOUSLY, one place quoted us $6500. (in state tuition-ish, no?!)

Thank the good lord that my friend Sandy (aka “Cruise Director”, so named for her extensive knowledge of all things awesome in NYC) suggested one of our old haunts, Cibar in Union Square.  Over the past 5 years, I can remember (fuzzily) many late nights that ended in that pink velvety lounge sipping dirty martinis with my girls. The vibe is awesome, the drinks are amazing & the snacks rule.  And what I came to learn, working with Lisa & Gina, is that the staff could not have been more accommodating.  Next time you’re in NYC and looking for a hotspot, let me Cruise Direct you straight to Cibar:

Look how cute this place is!

So after working out the (completely reasonable!) details with Gina, I went in to meet with Lisa & plan the menu. I’ll share what we did food & drink-wise, in case you’re planning a party yourself.

Beer: Amstel & Stella

Wine: Bordeaux & Pinot Grigio

Signature Cocktails:  Green Apple Vodka Martini with a sprinkle of cinnamon & a Blood Orange Martini

Food: hummus & crudite, cheese plates, apple & brie quesadillas, chicken skewers, edamame, mini pigs in a blanket, mini kobe burgers, pizza & mini cupcakes.  SO DELISH!

(Side note, my favorite part of the menu planning was tasting all the signature cocktail options.  It’s a serious job. And must be taken seriously. At least until you stumble out.)

The evening was a blast.  And I remember that primarily in hindsight by looking at the pictures photographic genius Bennet Cobliner ( took. Because I may have had one too many to remember 100% of the details.  But what I can piece together via the photographic evidence was just fantastic 😉

Here are a few of my favorite pics-

How can you not love this pic?!

This is Angelo, Richie's best man/hetero lifemate

This is Tim, my music partner & great friend. He co-wrote the album with me.


My dad & me 🙂


Gotta love Ronnie.


This is one of my best friends, Ellie. Not only is she half of, she's also now legally an officiant & marrying Richie & me!


Any SGU fans? David Blue (aka my college buddy) in da house.


I'm not certain how this picture came about, but I'm very happy it did.


Our friends in Cibar's backyard


I would love to know what they were discussing here.


Ronnie's speech was classic.